The subscription period in Stayble Therapeutics’ rights issue begins today

February 2021 Regulatorisk

Today is the first day of the subscription period in Stayble Therapeutics AB’s (“Stayble” or the “Company”) new issue of shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders (the “Rights Issue”). The general public is also given the opportunity to subscribe for shares in the Rights Issue. The subscription period lasts until 17 February 2021 and a fully subscribed Rights Issue will provide the Company with approximately SEK 41.5 million before issue costs. Stayble has received subscription commitments and guarantee (top-down) commitments in advance, corresponding to a total of approximately 84 per cent of the Rights Issue. The prospectus, teaser and subscription forms are available on the websites of the Company (, Sedermera Fondkommission ( and Nordic Issuing ( It is also possible to subscribe for shares by using BankID through Sedermera Fondkommission’s or Nordic Issuing’s respective websites.

To finance the completion of the Company’s ongoing phase 2b study, the Board of Directors resolved on 18 December 2020 on a new issue of shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders. The decision was taken pursuant to authorization from the Annual General Meeting held on 8 June 2020. The Rights Issue comprises a maximum of 6,923,462 shares and can, if fully subscribed, provide the Company with a maximum of approximately SEK 41.5 million. It is the Board of Directors’ assessment that the capital will enable Stayble to maintain a high rate of development in accordance with outlined objectives and thereby build solid shareholder value going forward. Provided that the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, it is the Board of Directors’ and management’s assessment that the Company’s operations will be financed until completion and processing of results from the phase 2b study. Meanwhile, the Company is given the opportunity to initiate discussions with potential partners who have financial resources to run the project further through phase 3 clinical trials up until market approval. Prior to the Rights Issue, existing shareholders and external investors have entered subscription commitments totaling approximately SEK 19.8 million (corresponding to approximately 48 per cent of the Rights Issue). In addition, Stayble has procured guarantee commitments (so-called top-down or top guarantee) of a total of approximately SEK 15 million (corresponding to approximately 36 per cent of the Rights Issue). In total, the Company has thus received subscription and guarantee commitments corresponding to approximately 84 per cent of the Rights Issue. 

For complete information on the Rights Issue, please refer to the prospectus which has been prepared in connection with the Rights Issue. The prospectus, containing complete terms and conditions, teaser (in Swedish and English) and subscription forms are available on the websites of the Company (, Sedermera Fondkommission ( and Nordic Issuing (

Investor presentations
During the subscription period, the Company will inform about its operations and future plans. A company presentation and an interview with the Company’s CEO Andreas Gerward will be published on BioStock’s website ( on the following dates:

3 February 2021 – Company presentation. At 13:00 CET the presentation can be seen live here.

9 February 2021 – CEO Interview

The offer in summary

  • Subscription period: 3 – 17 February 2021.
  • Subscription price: SEK 6.00 per new share.
  • Issue volume: The offer comprises up to a maximum of 6,923,462 shares, corresponding to approximately SEK 41.5 million.
  • Record date and preferential right: Those who on the record date, the 29th of January 2021, were registered as shareholders in Stayble own preferential right to subscribe for shares in the Rights Issue. For each existing share, one (1) subscription right is received. Each subscription right entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share. The last day of trading in the share, including the right to receive subscription rights, was the 27th of January 2021. The first day for trading in the share, excluding the right to receive subscription rights, was on the 28th of January 2021.
  • Number of shares before the Rights Issue: 6,923,462 shares.
  • Valuation (pre-money) in the current offer: Approximately SEK 41.5 million.
  • Subscription and guarantee commitments: The Company has received subscription and guarantee (top-down) commitments corresponding to a total of approximately 84 per cent of the Rights Issue. The guarantee commitment is a so-called “top-down guarantee” or “top guarantee”, which means that if the Rights Issue has a subscription rate of, for example, 80 per cent, guarantee subscription is executed only for the remaining 20 per cent up to a fully subscribed issue. The guarantee commitment is thus added to the current subscription level and intends to secure the remaining subscription in the new share issue.
  • Trading in subscription rights*: Subscription rights will be traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the period 3 – 15 February 2021.
  • Trading with BTA: Trading with BTA (Paid Subscribed Share) will take place on Nasdaq First North Growth Market as of the 3rd February 2021 and will continue until the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the Rights Issue. This registration is expected to take place in mid-March 2021.
  • Dilution: In the event of a fully subscribed Rights Issue, the number of shares will increase by 6,923,462, which corresponds to a dilution of 50 per cent of the votes and capital for existing shareholders who do not subscribe for shares in the Rights Issue.

* Please note that in the event that subscription rights are exercised through a bank or trustee, it is recommended to check the bank’s/trustee’s time limit for the last day of subscription.

Sedermera Fondkommission is the financial adviser, Markets & Corporate Law Nordic AB is the legal adviser and Nordic Issuing is acting as issuing agency in connection with the Rights Issue.

For more information about the Rights Issue
Sedermera Fondkommission
Phone: +46 40 615 14 10

For more information

Andreas Gerward, CEO Stayble Therapeutics AB
+46 730 808 397

About Stayble Therapeutics AB Stayble is a clinical stage pharmaceutical company developing the injection treatment STA363 for disc-related low back pain. The treatment is aimed at patients whose back pain persists after physiotherapy and painkillers. The injection is given once and the effect is expected to remain throughout the entirety of the patient’s life and to require minimal rehabilitation. The Company’s focus is set upon the continued clinical development and is currently conducting a clinical phase 2b. Stayble’s vision is to develop STA363 as a new standard treatment for patients suffering from chronic disc-related low back pain. Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser and can be reached at +46 (0)8 503 015 50 or e-mail