Information about the trading in subscription rights and BTA
February 2021 RegulatoriskStayble Therapeutics AB (”Stayble” or the ”Company”) hereby informs that the first day of trading in subscription rights and paid subscribed share (“BTA”), in connection with the Company’s ongoing rights issue, has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, 4 February 2021 due to an administrative and technical delay. The first day of trading in subscription rights and BTA was previously planned for today, 3 February 2021.
Due to an administrative and technical delay, Stayble hereby informs that the subscription rights will be traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the period 4 – 15 February 2021. Trading in BTA will take place on Nasdaq First North Growth Market as of 4 February 2021 and will continue until the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the rights issue. This registration is expected to take place in mid-March 2021.
For more information about the rights issue
Sedermera Fondkommission
Phone: +46 40 615 14 10
For more information
Andreas Gerward, CEO Stayble Therapeutics AB
+46 730 808 397