Abstract on the effect of STA363 on disc volume from the phase 1b study has been accepted for oral presentation at a major international congress

January 2025

Stayble Therapeutics AB (“Stayble” or “the Company”) announces that its scientific abstract on the effect of STA363 on disc volume reduction in patients with lumbar disc herniation has been accepted for an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) in Atlanta, USA, May 12–16, 2025. 

The abstract, titled “Intradiscal STA363 in patients with radiculopathy caused by lumbar disc herniation produces volume reduction consistent with symptomatic relief”, presents findings on disc volume reduction following intradiscal injection of STA363 from the Phase 1b study and discusses why STA363 may have therapeutic potential for patients with disc herniation. Results demonstrate a statistically significant reduction in disc volume. As shown in earlier studies, STA363 reduces disc volume to levels previously associated with pain relief in patients with disc herniation. The review committee deemed the abstract of such high scientific interest that it was selected for oral presentation during the conference. 


“ISSLS is an umbrella organization for several international societies focused on lumbar spine disorders. Its annual meeting is the premier event for researchers and clinicians in this field. Having our research presented at this conference ensures broad visibility and impact. International experts rigorously evaluate abstracts, and the fact that ours received top marks from the review committee and was approved for an oral presentation is a testament to the quality of Stayble and our research. It also reinforces our hypothesis that disc volume reduction may serve as a relevant biomarker for pain relief in disc herniation,” says Anders Lehmann, CSO.


For more information

Andreas Gerward, CEO of Stayble Therapeutics AB

Mail: andreas.gerward@stayble.se

Phone: +46 730 808 397



About Stayble Therapeutics AB

Stayble is a clinical pharmaceutical company developing the injection treatment STA363 for lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Stayble’s vision is to offer patients a simple and effective treatment that targets the underlying cause of the patient’s chronic pain and provides lasting pain relief and increased physical function. The treatment is aimed at patients who are not helped by physical therapy and painkillers and is a single injection that is expected to last a lifetime and requires minimal rehabilitation. After convincing data from previous pre-clinical and clinical studies (phase 1b and 2b) in degenerative disc disease, which show a volume reduction of the discs, the Company has successfully completed a phase 1b study for the treatment of herniated discs.

The company’s Certified Adviser is Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB.