(SV) Stayble Therapeutics publicerar årsredovisningen för 2023

April 2024 Regulatorisk

Stayble Therapeutics AB (”Stayble” eller ”Bolaget”) publicerar idag årsredovisningen för 2023. Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida (https://staybletherapeutics.com/sv/investerare/finansiella-rapporter/) och bifogad i detta utskick.

Staybles årsredovisning för 2023 finns nu tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida (https://staybletherapeutics.com/sv/investerare/finansiella-rapporter/) och kan även distribueras i tryckt format till aktieägare som så önskar.


For more information

Andreas Gerward, CEO of Stayble Therapeutics AB

Mail: andreas.gerward@stayble.se

Phone: +46 730 808 397


About Stayble Therapeutics AB

Stayble is a clinical pharmaceutical company developing the injection treatment STA363 for chronic disc herniation (LDH). Stayble’s vision is to offer patients a simple and effective treatment that targets the underlying cause of the patient’s chronic pain and provides lasting pain relief and increased physical function. The treatment is aimed at patients who are not helped by physical therapy and painkillers and is a single injection that is expected to last a lifetime and requires minimal rehabilitation. After convincing data from previous pre-clinical and clinical studies (phase 1b and 2b) in degenerative disc disease, which show a volume reduction of the discs, the Company is currently conducting a phase 1b study for the treatment of herniated discs.

The company’s Certified Adviser is Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB.